Istoria Degli Scrittori Fiorentini | La quale abbraccia intorno à due mila Autori, che negli ultimi cinque Secoli hanno illustrata co i loro scritti quella Nazione, in qualunque Materia, ed in qualunque Lingua, e Disciplina: Con la distinta nota delle lor' Opere, così Manoscritte, che Stampate, e degli Scrittori, che di loro hanno con lode parlato, o fatta menzione: Opera Postuma del P. Giulio Negri Ferrarese della Compagnia di Gesù . Dedicata All Eminentissimo, e Reverendissimo Principe. Il Signor Cardinale Tommaso Ruffo Vescovo di Ferrara E Legato a Latere della Citta, e Contado di Bologna. (History of Florentine Writers | Which embraces about two thousand Authors, who in the last five Centuries have illustrated with their writings that Nation, in any Subject, and in any Language, and Discipline: With the distinct note of their Works, both Manuscript and Printed, and of the Writers, who have spoken of them with praise, or made mention: Posthumous Work of Father Giulio Negri of Ferrara of the Society of Jesus. Dedicated to the Most Eminent, and Most Reverend Prince, Cardinal Tommaso Ruffo, Bishop of Ferrara and Legate a Latere of the City, and County of Bologna)
Negri, Giulio (1642-1720)
(Book #ID 115361)
Published by Farnborough: Gregg International Publishers Limited [Ferrara: Per Bernardino Pomatelli], 1969. 1969.
Hard back binding in publisher's original dark green cloth covered boards, blocked and lettered gilt back. 1969 republished facsimile edition of the Ferrara: Per Bernardino Pomatelli, 1722 Edition. Folio, pp. [xii], 558; title printed in red and black, with large engraved device. In very near Fine condition. Heavy volume weighing 2.6 kg, extra postage will be requested over and above our default setting for destinations outside of the UK. Member of the P.B.F.A.
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