Carnuntum: Seine Geschichte und seine Denkmäler. Vierte, neu bearbeitete und erweiterte Auflage. Römische Forschungen in Niederösterreich. Im Auftrag des Kulturreferates der no Landesregierung (Carnuntum: Its History and its Monuments | Roman Researches in Lower Austria. On Behalf of the Cultural Council of the Landesregierung)
Swoboda, Erich
(Book #ID 91442)
Published by Hermann Böhlaus Verlag, Graz - Köln, 1964. 1964.
Publisher's original card wrap covers [soft back]. 8vo. 9'' x 6''. Contains 316 printed pages of German text with monochrome figures, maps, followed by 53 plates, one in colour. Slight fading down the spine and in Very Good clean condition, no dust wrapper as issued. Carnuntum (Carnous in Ancient Greek according to Ptolemy) was a Roman Legionary Fortress or castrum legionarium and also headquarters of the Pannonian fleet from 50 AD. After the 1st century it was capital of the Pannonia Superior province. It also became a large city of 50,000 inhabitants. Its impressive remains are situated on the Danube in Lower Austria halfway between Vienna and Bratislava in the "Carnuntum Archaeological Park" extending over an area of 10 km² near today's villages of Petronell-Carnuntum and Bad Deutsch-Altenburg. Professor William S. Hanson's copy [Professor of Roman Archaeology, University of Glasgow], with his name inside. Member of the P.B.F.A.
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