Observations on the importance and necessity of introducing improved machinery into the woollen manufactory, more particularly as it respects the interests of the counties of Wilts, Gloucester, and Somerset : with general remarks on the present application to Parliament by the manufacturers, for the repeal of several of the existing laws; in a letter, addressed to the Right Honourable Lord Henry Pettey (Should by Petty)
Anstie, John
(Book #ID 116012)
Published by Irish University Press, Shannon, Ireland First Edition Thus 1971. 1971.
First edition thus hard back binding in publisher's original black cloth covered boards, blocked and lettered gilt back. 8vo. 9'' x 6''. Contains (viii), 100 pp. Fine condition book in Very Good condition dust wrapper with a couple of small tears to the bottom edge of the front cover. Member of the P.B.F.A.
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