The Works of Maxim Gorky in Nine Volumes. Volume I: Tales [Rasskazy]; Volume II: Tales [Rasskazy]; Volume III: Tales [Rasskazy]; Volume IV: Tales Containing Foma Gordeyev and Twenty-Six Men and a Girl [Dvadtsat Shest I Odna]; Volume V: Tales Containing Threesome and Song of the Thunderbird; Volume VI: Plays Containing The Philistines [Meshane] and At The Bottom [Na Dne]; Volume VII: Plays Containing Summerfolk [Dachniki] and Children of the Sun [Deti Solntsa]; Volume VIII: Plays Containing Barbarian's Scenes of a City in Four Acts [Varvary] and Enemies Scenes in Three Acts [Vraghi]; Volume IX: Tales Containing Man [Chelovek] and Prison [Turma] and Bukoyemov Karp Ivanovich and A Tales of Filipp Vasilievich [Rasskaz Filippa Vasilievicha] and A Confession [Ispoved] [9 Volumes]
Gorky, Maxim [1868-1936] Pseudonym of Aleksei Maksimovich Peskov [Maxim Gorki]
(Book #ID 58009)
Published St. Petersburg, Avenue Nevsky, 92 Edition Company Znanie Eighth, Ninth and Tenth Editions 1903-1910. [Nine Volumes]. St. Petersburg 1903-1910.
Uniform matching hard back binding in quarter navy calf, slate blue cloth covers, gilt title, author lettering [in Cyrillic] and volume number to the spines, marble paper end papers. 8vo. 8½'' x 6''. Contains [xvi] 306; [xii] 389; [x] 312; [vi] 398; [x] 386; [viii] 286; [viii] 298; [vi] 239; [x] 322 printed pages written in Cyrillic Russian text, each title page is priced a 1 rouble and has a small discreet University of Keele embossed stamp to the bottom, Keele library bookplate and bar code to each front paste down, volume I has a 30 mm piece missing to the top of the spine, a little rubbing to the spine edges, margin paper slightly browned. Member of the P.B.F.A.
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